Thursday, December 16, 2010

*SOLD* - Wii Fit Game, Wii Fit Balance Board, and *BONUS* Rechargable Battery Pack - $70.00 OBO

Let me be the first to say that I love the Wii Fit.  When I first stepped on my friend's "balance board" (funny name, considering it's 3 times wider than any balance board I've ever seen or stepped on in elementary school gym), I was hooked.  And not only that, in a matter of minutes I was perspiring!  The thing was great!  The problem, however, was complacency.  I discovered there's games out there that you can play by only moving your thumbs!  Ever since then, this poor contraption has been horribly neglected.  It's time we say "goodbye" to the very thing that has gotten me off the couch and back on my feet.  Come try it out:  you'll fall in love with it the same way I did.  That I promise you.  The one thing you might not do, however, is want to pay the asking price of $75.00 for it.  That's fine.  But I challenge you to find it ANYWHERE online any cheaper.  I sure haven't.  I'm in no hurry to send it out the door.  It's yours if you want it, but don't expect me to give it to you much lower than what I'm asking for it.  Come over, try it out, and we'll talk.

Let me quote from CNET:  "Have a Wii?  Buy this!"

Now that that's out of the way, here's the picture:

Again, I'd love to let you try the thing out.  Just call beforehand to make sure you have a time that works for me and my family.  We'll figure something out.

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