Thursday, December 16, 2010

*SOLD* K2 Fatty Snow Blades - $80.00 OBO

First, the video (not showing the exact product, but they are basically the same thing):

Yes, you too could be as cool as these guys on the video.  But even if not, I can assure you they are a lot of fun.  You have to try them out to fully understand.

The Picture:

I paid over $300.00 for them a few years back.  I think $100.00 is a reasonable price.  I'm asking for $80.00.  Not a bad deal (for you).


  1. where are you located im interested in these blades

  2. I live in Rexburg. Feel free to text or call me and we'll arrange something. (208) 7(five)7-3478.
