Sunday, April 8, 2012

Unopened Fable III for Xbox 360 ($10.00 OBO)

This game promises Hours and Hours and Hours and Hours of non-stop action and fun.

That is why I'm getting rid of it.

You see, I'm the type that wants to finish something once it's started.  I can't put down a good book once started, I  always finish my meal and beverage at the restaurant, I always fly fish until I catch SOMETHING, I never fall asleep during a movie, and I get sucked into video games like crazy.  I don't have time for that.  With a new baby, demanding job, a family that seems to like me around, and a current attempt to get my MBA, there's no way in HECK (pardon the language) I'm going to open this thing up.

But I encourage you to.

From what I've seen/heard/experienced (briefly), it's a way fun game.  If you value your time, you'd be smart not to buy it.

See a wiki site dedicated to the game here:

Game:  Fable III for Xbox 360
Condition:  Perfect, unopened, amazing

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